Upcoming Workshops

All of Lara’s Brooklyn workshops are offered as part of the Movement Arts Program at ShapeShifter Lab in Park Slope located at 837 Union St, Bklyn, NY. Mats and props are available free of charge. Cost of Workshop is $50.

Preparing for the New Year

December 28, 2024 3-5 PM

Drop-in: $50

Prepare for the New Year with a session dedicated to cultivating quietness, receptivity, and spaciousness. We’ll explore poses, relaxation, and breathing techniques to release tension and bring solace to the nervous system.

Past 2024 Workshops


Evolution of Backbends: From Virabhadrasana 3 to Natarajasana

May 11, 2024 10AM - 12:30PM

This workshop will teach you how to initiate your backbends from the “nav-chakra” or navel band. Progress from milder and more open or extended backbends such as salabhasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, and purvottonasana, to more intense variations like urdhva dhanurasana and kapotasana, maintaining energetic equilibrium and nurturing positivity throughout. 

Past 2023 Workshops


The positive effects of yoga practice are undeniable. In this workshop, we will explore poses that naturally uplift the body and spirits and work with timings to allow us to refine the posture and cultivate stability and ease. We learn to observe ourselves and adapt our outer body and internal environment in response to each asana's various conditions. When we experience this without a doubt, the benefits accrue, and our life takes on a positive force.

Asanas to Gain a Positive Life

April 29, 2023 3-5 PM

Twists might just be the "super-poses" of the asana world. You can use them in your practice to rev up and prepare for back-bending, to unwind and release from forward-bending, as an intermezzo, or as the main movement.  They affect us on a muscular-skeletal level helping us maintain the full range of motion in our spinal rotation.  Physiologically they replace stagnant blood and revitalize our energy with their "squeeze and soak" action on the organs. And, psychologically, they teach us how to remain calm and focused even in a tight bind as our attention is drawn inward to the stable, unmoving center of the pose.


March 25, 2023 3-5 PM

Hips & Hamstrings

Jan 28, 2023 3-5 PM

Natural resistance to stretching of the tendinous fibers in the hamstrings and limitation in the range of motion of the hips (usually due to years of sitting in chairs), limit our physical freedom and comfort.  Working to open and stabilize the hips while lengthening the hamstrings is key to balancing the pelvis, finding proper extension in the spine, and preserving the knees and lower back health. 

Past 2022 Workshops


Making Spirits Bright

Dec 17, 3-5 PM

Evolution of Backbends

Nov 19, 1:30-3:30 PM

In this class, we will use both supported and unsupported backbends to get an anti-gravitational lift as well as gravitational release in various backbends. There will be a focus on abdominal length, learning how to extend from the navel band equally back through the legs forward through the trunk. By the end of class, expect to have a more balanced and effortless approach to your backbend practice.

Mind to Balance:
An Inversion Practice

OCT 29, 1:30-3:30 PM

In this workshop, we will work to build confidence to balance in sirsasana (head balance) away from the wall and develop the stability and understanding to practice the sirsasana cycle and its variations.  In addition to focusing on sirsasana, we will explore salamba sarvangasana, gaining practical experience on the different ways to prepare for and enter shoulderstand to create a lighter, more uplifted pose.

Straighten Up and Fly Right

July 30th, 3-5 PM

This workshop is not appropriate for beginning students. Are you feeling a little rusty? Does your practice need some brushing up? Every now and then something is bound to come along to interrupt your routine. Perhaps your teacher went away on a summer break?! Whether it has been a couple of weeks or years, this workshop will ease you back into the swing of things. A well-rounded class drawing upon supine, standing, inverted, forward, and restorative postures. 

Right Effort, Healthy Will

August 20th, 3-5 PM

Aparigraha is the concept of non-grasping or not holding—tight.  Whether it is how we think, do, or feel, can we learn to loosen our grip to find what is “right effort” and healthy willpower? In this class, we will explore how much effort is enough and look at the balance between stabilizing actions and soothing actions and how they are often one and the same when the right balance is struck.

2021 Past Workshops


Fall with Style

September 25th, 10am-12pm

If you have always wanted to "drop back" or already love dropping back, join me this Saturday for my "Fall with Style" workshop-- No, nothing to with autumnal fashion, but rather a Backbending Workshop with a focus on how to gain control of the spine in and out of back bending postures.  We will start with poses that strengthen the arms, open the shoulders and hips, and bring intelligence and coordination to the arms and legs to gain grace and control to fall with style. 

Moving beyond Instructions:
Asana and the Felt Experience

May 22, 10am-12pm

How often have you got stuck in the idea of something rather than experiencing that something firsthand? For instance, have you executed a pose thinking only of the instructions and not the experience? Perhaps you are looking at everything you have to do in the pose so that you are never done? Or looking at what you have to correct, so that you are never correct? Doing from the head and not the heart? You get to the end point and think "I've done it" and then you come out and move on to the next pose without really savoring or imprinting the experience itself? I invite you to slow down this weekend and increase your capacity for remaining present. Look for the experience beyond words that moves us from concentration to meditation, and from the head to the heart. Through standing poses, backbends and inversions we will explore how our experience changes based on various approaches to the asanas.

Tune In and Drop Back

April 21, 10am-12pm

If you have always wanted to "drop back" or already love dropping back, sign up this Saturday for an inversion and backbend workshop.  We will start by strengthening the arms and legs in standing poses, gaining control of the spine in and out of inversions;  building confidence to balance in the center of the room, and developing the grace to drop back with ease and control. 

Balancing Act

March 20th, 10am-12pm

In this workshop we will explore balance in a variety of poses—including, but not limited to, inversions and arm balancings. Like a magnificent massive sculpture that seemingly defies the laws of gravity, finding balance in asanas can lead us to “effortless effort”, where dualities are removed and we become absorbed in the experience rather than in the execution of it.

Uplift Yourself! Backbends

February 27th, 10am-12pm

We will begin with poses that open the shoulders, chest and frontal hips to make the practice of backbends more accessible. After a number of supported backbends and chest openers to give direction and shape, we will move to the more active, unsupported asanas (ustrasana, urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, kapotasana). The imprints learnt in the supported backbends can then be brought to the practice of unsupported backbends where your consciousness (rather than the props) provides the necessary support for the spinal curvature to increase, the internal space to open and the chest to find more lift and freedom.